July 19: What's in the CSA Box?
This week was heavy on the cucumbers and summer squash, lighter on greens. I welcome buckets of squash, especially with our Inspiralizer working overtime, but I’m going to need more ideas for using up the cukes. We didn’t get anything new-to-us this week except for some cutie purple sweet peppers.
When we pick up our weekly share there is a “Free / Extra” bin at the end of the lineup where you can leave unwanted items for another family. If there’s extra squash or broccoli I’ll usually grab a few more as those are major staples this summer!
As much as I love cucumbers I don’t mind leaving a couple behind.
Read on to see what was in the CSA box this week!
July 19 CSA Box
Breakfast mood: chicken apple sausages and runny eggs with a mustard dressing. A glass of warm lemon water, and an almond matcha latte with adaptogens!
Salad Greens: Lots of breakfast salads on repeat lately like the above with runny yolks.
Basil and Parsley bunches: The basil wasn’t enough for a full batch of pesto, so I added it to various dishes including a blueberry and peach fruit salad. We used the parsley on roasted chicken breasts.
Here is my favorite way to cook boneless skinless chicken breasts.
Peach blueberry basil salad!
Garlic: Fresh out of the ground! We can never have too much and I don’t dare buy the pre-peeled, minced garlic.
Onion: I should have saved the top for stock!
Lettuce: I can’t get away from the purple and green variety. They feel sturdier than the green heads.
Summer Squash: FIVE of these and I used all of them. They became zoodles for “spaghetti” AND I froze them for smoothies.
Zoodle spaghetti with with fresh basil and grassfed beef from Two Sparrows Farm
Broccoli: A weekly staple! I’ve also been roasting the stems when we grab a full head.
Sweet Peppers: 2 small purple pepps came home with us this week.
Carrots with greens: I left the greens behind in a bin at our CSA pickup, but you could totally juice them.
Loose Beets: I was a little bummed there weren’t any good beet greens available, but I was happy to snag a variety of colorful beets, including the pretty white and pink spiral!
Cucumbers: So. many. cukes! We’ve had so many and I can only eat pickles so much, so we shared some of our bunch with Neil’s parents.